i was on a sense of hiatus lately. i took the time to reevaluate my goals and plans for the coming year. i even wrote them on my planner/journal. :D this gave me enough time to think what i have and what i want to save up for. i am not really a capricious person nor do i take pleasure in all my possessions (alive or broken). well, maybe i do in a sane level and beyond that is just me being lucky. i had more than enough time to spare and make this blog. i miss ranting and i can't remember what blog ideas i have since my lappy broke down on me. :(
here are the lists of those i have and those i want.

1. books
i love to read. i have been reading since i started to watch the simpsons on tv. i saved money to get my own books and it did pile up. some give me books as a gift.

suzanne collins - the hunger games series (got 2: hunger games and catching fire)
jerry spinelli - eggs, love; stargirl, stargirl
jeanne duprau - the city of ember series (got 2: city of ember and people of sparks)
gabriel garcia marquez - love in the time of cholera
lewis caroll - the aventures of alice in wonderland
paulo coelho - the alchemist, the zahir, veronika decides to die, the valkyries, with of portobello
charles dickens - good expectations
helen keller - the story of my life
j.d salinger - the catcher in the rye (all time favorite!)
jane austen - emma (haven't read it yet)
2. io (vaio)
my dad's late debut gift-graduation gift-no back subjects gift-passing the board exam gift. :P the gift for all reasons. was worth the wait though. trully worth the wait.
current status: io is still stubborn. dormant hidden at the cabinet. will save 2k for it to be repaired. :( yes, i miss him. i miss him a lot. :(
3. canon
i am not entitled to name him (yet i know he is a male! :P) anyway, yes. i can't christen him because he is not mine. this is my dad's and he allowed me to use this for sinulog which was a total fail. rain all day and i was at bed all day. not to mention it was my birthday! :(
current status: batteries are charging. will use it later for some candid shots of elementary students. :P
1. vanilla coke
the last time i had this was way back 2004! i miss this. this came along with cherry coke. it tastes like chocolate when you sniff it and leaves a pleasant aftertaste and smell for hours. :P
2. roam cebu
i have been here for almost 2 years now and i still got to explore cebu. the caves, beaches, parks and lighthouses.
i bake a lot and i eat a lot too. i baked for myself or for those that i love and those i like to share it with. i baked for new year's eve and for a donation drive.
4. money for travelling
travelling has been a nice form of relaxation for me. a brief trip to bantayan with someone you wanted to be with. a short flight to dumaguete and take a boat to guimaras to surprise a friend. just enough time to bike around and watch the sun set across the azure horizon of a nearby beach.
current status: i am broke and yes i will need time to be back on the wanderlust again. :P
places to go:
5. violin
i love symphonies, concertos and the likes. the violin is by far my most favorite string instrument. i saw one on sale at Php4500 and when i got the moolah it was already sold. :(
6. new phone with threaded messaging and qwerty please.
i mentioned this on my other blog that i want a new phone. i do. i really do. it doesn't have to be the latest one just one that works and i could still keep for years on end.
I WANT THESE SOOO BADLY!!!! O_O (and i couldn't put much emphasis on it than type it in caps lock and 4 exclamation marks. :P )
7. instax mini 7s!
i have been oggling at this for months now. i need to have one!!
8. spinner 360
read this out on the lomography website. ahhh. i wanna get one!!
9. D7000
there is nothing to say but - d7000!!! O_o
we have our own personal poison and this is the maximum dose for me. one day, i will get them babies. :P i can only dream of these (for now! :P) among the lists i have here i can say that there is one thing i already have in my life. i am proud to say that yes i will never ask for anything more. no lists, no wishes, no hoping - it is here with me. here in my ♥.
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